Thursday, March 1, 2012

Premier Fitness/Physiomed Fitness Brant Street

As most of you have already heard or read, Premier Fitness/Physiomed Fitness is currently undergoing some structural problems. However that being said, its not my purpose to comment on the organizations but rather on the services they provide.
As a member of this club I have been able to experience many aspects of their services.
Here is a quick run-down of this particular facility which is located on Brant street in Burlington Ontario. Click here to view a map of the facilities
Customer Service
My experience with this club has been that the customer service is very good. There is always someone available to answer questions and they do so in a friendly manner. A possible improvement would be to have a few more staff on hand at the front desk and office who are knowledgeable in all of the programs and services as sometimes you are asked to wait for someone to return from lunch.
The staff at this location are all very friendly and helpful. Its not difficult to find a staff member and often if they are unsure of what you are asking, they will find someone who can help you. Staff members seem to be happy to be there, which in my opinion, really adds to the atmosphere of the entire club.
I obviously cannot comment on the mens changerooms, however the womens changerooms are moderately sized and reasonably clean. The changeroom and shower facilities have been upgraded this past fall and the new facelift they received was very well done. Lockers are clean and plenty-full, although if you visit after 6pm, the place is quite busy and sometimes you have to look for awhile to find an open locker.
I personally have not attended a class here yet. I will update this portion when I have experienced a class. However, I have noted that class schedules are posted and handouts of these are available at the front desk. I have also noted that the classes appear quite popular for members and are well attended.
Personal Trainers
Again, I have to say that the staff at this location are A+. They are well trained and knowledgeable. I've gone into a personal training session and asked for a specific workout, for example: butt and gut. And let me tell you, I got what I asked for!!!!! Myself, I have a small issue with one knee and when I told the trainer, he was able to tailor the workout so that I was still working all muscle groups but in a manner that did not put stress on my knees. My only suggestion would be to have more trainers available at more times throughout the day. I found trying to schedule an early morning session was very difficult.
Hours & Parking
This location is open:
Mon - Thurs
5am - 11pm
5am - 9pm
8am - 5pm
8am - 5pm
The parking is shared with other retailers, including a Silvercity theatre. Depending on the time you arrive, sometimes you have to park fairly far away. Which honestly shouldn't be a problem considering you are going to work out.
Special Features
Brant Street has an awesome boxing studio. It is very large, bright and clean. There is room for up to 6 bags, including a speed bag. Classes are available in boxing, kickboxing and Brazilian Ju Jitsu. I like the mezzanine setup for the ellipticals and treadmills; which overlook the main gym area. The women's only area is large, bright, clean and well maintained.
Overall I have been quite happy with the services provided at this gym. I know that my experience has not been shared by all members. However, as someone with 10 years in customer service, I also know that some customers cannot be satisfied no matter what you say or do for them. In addition, I am unable to comment on membership fees. Like most services, fees vary depending on the location, type of service and special promotions offered. Lastly, I don't like numerical ratings, they really don't tell you anything useful, so I won't be providing that type of system here on my blog.

As always, I welcome all comments, suggestions and ideas

don't sweat the small stuff

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