Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Belly Fat Challenge: Week #2

To be honest, I've been procrastinating on writing this follow-up post because I know that in order for you to see any progress that I have been making on this challenge, I need to upload a "before" picture!! OMG! NOT my favourite thing.
Have you ever met anyone that says, "I absolutely love what I look like in pictures!!"??? Well, maybe a career model, but other than that I've never met anyone who likes what they look like in a picture. Not only do I have to post a picture of me, but its also a picture of my least favourite body part, my wobbly belly!!! Arrrrrrrgh!!!
So, without further ado, here it is!! (covering my eyes now)
 I'm trying to make this picture really really small, but its as small as it will go. LOL! At least I know I am not alone when comes to what belly's look like in adults over 40. Especially those of us who have had a kid or two. As you can see, I have a fair bit of loose skin and extra fat around my middle. And this is after doing 2 years worth of gym visits!!
Tough to get rid of?? You betcha!!
I am determined to reduce my belly fat by the end of this 15 week challenge. As I mentioned in my About Me page, I have lost 6" on my waist since starting my workouts at a gym. My goal at this point, is to be able to wear a bra top that does not cover my mid-section and be comfortable doing so. That means that I don't want my middle to wiggle. LOL!
This week, my workouts will continue to focus on aerobic exercises; treadmill, elliptical and boxing. These activities will keep my heart rate up and help maximize the fat burn.
How do you burn fat from a specific area on your body???
Well, the fact is you can't. There is no effective way to just burn fat in one area. So, as you continue to workout, what you see is a reduction in fat in all the areas that are known to collect said material. Such as; belly, butt, under upper arms(especially in women), inner and outer thighs and of course your waist.
As you lose fat, you will need to tone the areas that have lost the fat material. This is especially true for those who lost alot of weight. Skin will be loose and the muscles that were covered previously, now need to be toned.
There are tons of great machines at the gym to tone every area of your body. By week 10 of my challenge, I will likely be ready to start some of this toning focus. In the meantime, I do mix in about 10-20mins of light weight and resistance work into my daily workouts after my 30-40min aerobic periods.
I invite you to join me on this challenge; post your before pic and send me your comments, progress reports and ideas for exercises that work for you.
Until then; don't sweat the small stuff 

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