Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Exercise - Home vs Gym

Here it is, the long anticipated low down on exercise routines at home vs in a gym.
For years prior to my joining a gym, I was sure that I was getting enough exercise on my own at home. I wasn't a couch potato. I was busy all the time, going here and there during the week. My job was relatively sedentary. I sat in front of a computer 98% of the time. But on weekends I went out when the weather was nice. Walking, hiking, roller blading etc. Took my kids to the park. Did yard work. Washed the car (in my driveway). Housework.
I thought that I was at least as active as the average person, if not more.

Strangely, even with all this activity, I was still overweight. 

When I joined the gym; well, I've already explained here in another post, I lost 6" on my waist in the first 8 months. I found muscles!! My energy level increased. I slept better. And my overall mood was happier.


Well, its a very simple matter of money and commitment. When you join a gym, you make a commitment, both with your cash and with your time. The cash commitment usually motivates you to keep your time commitment. Paying for something you never or rarely use seems silly. YET, there are many people who do just that!! Bizarre!! I know!!!

Even more common, are those who buy a gym for their home with great intentions that quickly fade to regret. Those home-use treadmills and fancy gizmo gym-in-one contraptions are not cheap!!  You bring it home. Like a proud parent. And the first few months or so, you actually stick to a routine. You plan your workouts and you commit to a schedule. Then something happens. You change jobs. You strain your knee. You meet a new partner. And now your "routine" is changed. So you put off your workouts. Reschedule your visits to your gym. Pretty soon the treadmill you bought is dusty and forgotten, or the membership card to your shiny new gym membership sits lonely on your dresser. Forgotten. Unloved.

Only YOU can change your excuses into reasons to keep up your commitment to your exercise routine. You certainly didn't stop eating, or driving, or sleeping or talking when your lifestyle changed. Why would you stop exercising??? As I've said before; think of regular exercise as something that you do, like brushing your hair or vacuuming your house. Its a routine. Its part of your lifestyle. And its here to stay. No excuses!!

Bottom line??
Gym and home workouts are equally valuable. But neither have any value if you are not committed to exercising as part of your everyday/weekly lifestyle.

Home workouts may be more suited to those who:
-prefer privacy
-easily self motivated
-have a hectic and varied work/home schedule

Gym memberships may be more suited to those who:
-enjoy the social aspect of working out
-prefer to meet up with a workout partner to help motivate them
-have a work schedule that allows for some personal time during the week
-like to have a variety of equipment and activities available
-like to have the option of booking a personal training session 

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Make a commitment to yourself and enjoy your workout.

don't sweat the small stuff......

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