Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Home for GTA Fitness Reviewer

Just a reminder to all readers;
The GTA Fitness Reviewer has moved!
I now have my own domain name and the freedom to design my web site any way I wish.
Please use this link to read the latest post now.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My New Workout Week 1 Update

So its been 7 days since I started my new workout regimen. I am truly enjoying the new schedule. Each day offers variety. The boredom is gone (for now). And the scattered rest periods are allowing my body to re-coup from the workouts and build muscle. Of course, MY intention is NOT to be a body builder, but instead simply increase lean muscle mass and reduce fat.

One of the benefits of mixing up my workout routine is that no single muscle group is being overworked. Most of my workouts focus on core but none of them are over stressing my abs or gluts.

If you decided to try out my workout, please do add a comment here and let me and other readers know what you like and what you don't like and if you are feeling any positive results.

On another note:

This blog is growing. And with growth comes decision. I have decided to grow-up the blog and I have opened a domain name dedicated to this blog:
   The GTA Fitness Reviewer's New Home

Having its own domain name on a paid server allows me much more freedom to build the blog into what I truly envision for it. I exported all the posts from here over to its new home yesterday, so no information is lost. The new blog will allow you, the reader to contribute and link to and from my blog with more ease.

My long-term plan is to keep this blog open for another month or two. Each post I make after today will be on the new blog only. However, I will post a link to the new post in this blog so that you can still find posts. Please bookmark/add to favourites this new blog address: The GTA Fitness Reviewer's New Home

You will also be able to subscribe to the new blog either via email or RSS feeds. And you can "like" The GTA Fitness Reviewer Facebook page which will also keep you updated on new posts and events.
Again, I welcome all comments, ideas and suggestions.

Until next time.....don't sweat the small stuff!! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My workout for the next 6 weeks

This is going to be a long post.
Today, I want to detail the workout routine that I will be following for the next 6 weeks.
The routine combines cardio, core and weight training. I've taken routines and circuits I've learned from three different personal trainers and arranged them into 4 unique workouts that will hopefully target the entire body over the duration of the 4 workouts.
Again, I must remind my readers, I am NOT an expert. I am simply just like you; a person who seeks to improve their overall fitness through a regular exercise routine.
It would be awesome if some of you decide to join me by following this routine. I really want to hear how it works for you, what you like, what you don't like and the areas of your body you want to target. There is no one single right or perfect way for everyone or anyone to workout. Its all a matter of trial and error; then adjusting things once again. Together, we can achieve a healthier lifestyle!!
And now on to the routines:

The Overview

I've been advised recently that I need to have more rest time between workouts. It was suggested that I workout one day and rest the next.  For me, this doesn't work very well.  One of my main reasons for starting a regular exercise routine was to relieve stress. I tried the one on, one off schedule this past week and I don't like it.  Its not helping my stress level. So instead I will be working out two days, resting one day, working out three days, resting one day. This rounds out  a 7 day week, and spreads out the workouts and rest days a little better than the schedule I had previously where I worked out 5 days in a row then rested two.  Its a trial and error thing, so I'm gonna try it for a week, then let you know if I need to adjust it, or if its working fine.  Everybody is different. Every "body" is different. So YOU will have to judge for yourself what routine works best for you.
Rest periods are important. This is the time when your body actually gets stronger. During the workout, you are breaking down your body. The rest time is the pay-off time.  For a better more technical explanation you can read more here: The Importance of Rest Periods
I've included links to more information on each part of my discussion here. I want to be as detailed as possible so that you can find out what each exercise looks like. To be honest, I had no clue what a downward dog was until a few weeks ago.


Thursday - The Barry Core Workout (1 hour)

Yes, I started my 6 week challenge today, and today is Thursday. I don't believe in waiting to Monday to start something. I got the urge to do it today, so today is when I begin. Why put off to Monday what I can start today??
Back to the topic:


10 minutes of cardio (your choice: elliptical, treadmill or stationary bike)- make sure you are pushing the cardio so that your heart rate hits the optimal level for your age and weight. Check here to find out your recommended cardio heart rate

The Set

10 reps Vertical Leg Lifts

10 reps Vertical Leg crunches(10 left leg raised, 10 right leg raised, 10 both legs raised)

10 reps Hip Lifts (I put my feet up on a cardio step for this one)

10 reps Split Squat with raised leg (this video shows the leg raised way too high, I only use a cardio step and keep my back leg placed firmly on the step; lower yourself straight down so that the work is done by the front leg. You should feel this in your butt and your thigh) Do 10 reps with your left leg in front and 10 reps with your right leg in front.

3 minutes cardio (your choice: elliptical, treadmill or stationary bike)

repeat The Set

Each set takes me about 20 minutes to complete. You will probably complete two sets, add in your starting 10 minutes of cardio and that leaves you with 10 minutes to stretch at the end of your workout.
Day one is done!! Congrats!!

Day Two

Friday - Free Weight Workout (1 hour)

They say nothing in life is truly free. Well that also applies to this workout. For women and beginners start with a modest weight. I use 10 or 12lb barbells and 20 and 30lbs dumbells.  Pick a lower weight to try. If after the second set you still feel no burn, then up the weight a bit. Check here for a few more awesome tips

The Set

10 reps Bicep Curls

10 reps Shoulder lifts (do 10 reps each front and side lifts)

10 reps Stiff Legged Dead Lifts - don't be afraid of this video. I chose it because her form is perfect. I use 30lb weight. Start with 10 or 20lbs if you are a beginner. The form is most important to get the most benefit from this exercise. Keep your knees slightly bent and "stick out" your butt.

10 reps Standing Zottman Dumbell Curls - I couldn't find a video that fully illustrated the move I was taught by a PT. This video shows half of the move. Once you raise the dumbells to your shoulders, pause and then push straight up past your ears. Once you have them raised fully, this is when you turn them, return to your shoulders, pause and return to your waist. I'm hoping my explanation makes sense.

10 reps Tricep Press to forehead - The video shows dumbells, I use barbells; usually 20lbs. I tried 30lbs once and had trouble lifting the weight. As the video indicates; the key is technique.

repeat The Set

Finish your workout with 10-20 minutes of cardio (your choice; elliptical, stationary bike or treadmill)

Day Three

Saturday - REST!!!

Day Four

Sunday - The Rich All-Over Conditioning Workout (1 hour)

This workout uses full range motion to target a variety of muscle groups and give you a nice overall workout.

Start with 10 minutes of cardio(your choice; elliptical, stationary bike or treadmill)

The Set

10 reps Medicine Ball Chopper and 10 lateral chopper - You can use any weight; kettlebell, dumbell, or just a weight. I use either 8 or 10lb weight. I was unable to find a video that showed the entire exercise. This one shows the lateral. I was taught to start with the ball above my head. Legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Push the ball down and through your legs, then back up again. Stretch up fully and push up onto your toes. This movement also forces you to balance and uses more core muscles. Do 10 reps each top to bottom, left to right (as shown in the video) and right to left.

10 reps Single Leg Anterior Reach (10 on left leg, 10 on right leg) - Looks simple, but again the focus is on balance and the exercise utilizes your core muscles. I use a dumbell stood on end as the tripod point since my gym doesn't have cones.

10 reps Split Squat (without cardio bench) Same technique as shown above on Day One.

10 reps Smith push up or TRX pushup - If your gym doesn't have a TRX then use a bar as demonstrated below.

10 reps Recline Row or TRX row (if available)

10 reps curl up/ situp - Oddly I couldn't find anything to demonstrate this. Lie on your back. Your legs should be bent perpendicular with your feet flat on the ground. Basically you curl up then continue to sit up. The idea is that you are using only your abs NOT your back, NOT your neck NOT your arms. It helps to have someone hold your feet. I place my feet under the edge of a treadmill or other machine at the gym.

10 reps hip lift (without raised legs) - See above Day One for the demo.

10 reps Bird Dog, 10 T-reach roll - This first video is the Bird Dog. For the T-Reach; start in the same position as the bird dog. Reach your right arm under your body and across to the left side. Then swing back out to reach back to the right extending outwards to your right side in a T from your shoulder. Stretch back and try to pinch the shoulder blade inwards while opening up the chest. Repeat 10 reps with each arm, left and right.

3 minutes high intensity cardio (your choice; elliptical, stationary bike or treadmill)
Rest one minute

Repeat the above set

Its a pretty long set, so I normally only get 2 or three sets done in an hour.
Finish your workout with stretching.

Day Five

Monday - Cardio Kill Me Now Workout (1 hour)

This one I created myself to cut through the boredom of cardio. If my knees were without problems, I could probably spice it up by joining a cardio class; maybe Zumba or something like that.
Have lots of water on hand for this workout and keep hydrated throughout.  You can approach this workout a few different ways. I used to begin each cardio starting slowing and finishing high. Now I find that I get more from intervals: Three -5 minutes of high intensity then 1-3 minutes of low intensity; alternating at intervals.
I use all three cardio machines; treadmill, elliptical and stationary bike. It doesn't matter which one you start on. I like to start with the elliptical, then the treadmill and finish on the bike. Do 20 minutes on the first machine; 15 minutes on the second and 10 minutes on the third. Finish your work out with 10 minutes of stretching.

Repeat the above workouts:

Day Six

Tuesday - The Barry Core Workout (1 hour) see above for details

Day Seven

Wednesday - REST!!

Yes, there are 4 workouts, two rest days and 7 days. (two days on, one day off, three days on; one day off; repeat) The idea is that you are not doing the same workout on the same day of the week. It gives you variety which hopefully will keep your interest and avoids getting into a rut. However, that being said, after the 6 week mark; I'm going to have to change up the routine because your body tends to adjust. Changing up your routine helps to avoid hitting plateaus.

This is probably my longest blog post in here. I wanted to be detailed. This will also serve as a reminder to me!!

Any questions?? Let me know.

I will check back in a week to let you know how this new routine is working out for me, and to hear how its working for you.

Until then...don't sweat the small stuff!!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Post Injury Update

As you know, I hurt my back on Sunday. Monday was painful and slow moving. Tuesday was stiff and irritable. Wednesday was "it only hurts when I laugh". Thursday was "I can't stand this any longer I'm going to the gym".
Today is Friday, and today is, "OMG I stayed too long at the gym yesterday, and I've regressed back to Tuesdays "stiff and irritable".
Moral of the story: when your doctor tells you to walk, just walk. I walked at 3.5 mph on the treadmill yesterday for 20 mins. Then I decided I could handle some of the conditioning exercises my new trainer gave me two weeks ago. I spent another 40 mins doing conditioning.
Oh yes!!
There's more!!!
I went for a walk with my daughter. And that was after walking downtown for an hour or so.

What have I learned??

Well, for starters; I am quite stubborn. (no kidding)

The biggest lesson I learned this week; The older I get, the more I realize that I really know very little.

There is sooooo much to learn; and so little time.

until next time; don't sweat the small stuff!!

CAH productions Tees

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm Injured

Well it finally happened dear readers; I managed to hurt myself on Sunday. I took a basketball to the park and spent an hour with my boyfriend shooting hoops. I was having a great time. Jumping and shooting and dribbling and running and jumping and jumping and......................ARG!!  I felt a cramp in my left side after one of the jumps.  I thought nothing of it.
About 10 minutes after shooting hoops, my lower back seized up; all the muscles tightened and cramped together into one painful knot.  Pain was radiating out towards my hips and twinges down my legs. I felt marvelous!!!
Not really!!!!!!!!
Me, being me; I chose to ignore it the rest of the day and carried on with my dinner plans and other plans.  Well Sunday night I hobbled into bed and decided I should probably call the doctor in the morning, just to be sure I didn't do any really serious damage.
The next morning; I limped over to my doctor where she confirmed that I had seized up the muscles in my lower back.  She said it was a result of a build up of lactic acid that normally the muscles will release but this time they did not. She told me to use alternating heat and cold to help relax the muscles. She gave me prescriptions for an anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxer.
So now, I lie on my back with my knees raised typing this blog entry. Yesterday was quite painful. Today is a bit better. Sitting is difficult. I haven't been to the gym since Friday, which is really bugging me, as I really enjoy my gym visits.  I am to "relax" with the hope that by Friday there will be improvement. If no improvement, I am to call my doctor again. 
Its only been 36 hours and already I'm going stir-crazy not being able to be active.  My doctor said walking will help, so I do plan on doing that today.
Injury does happen, and probably will happen if you are active. That does not mean that you should not try things that might be out of your zone. The body does heal and for me, I can only learn my limits once my body decides to tell me I've reached them.  I don't consider my age ever, I figure since I'm working out 5 days a week I should be able to play an hour of hoops without worry. 
What I learned is that even with 5 hours of gym time a week, I'm still not as fit as I'd like to be. SO now, I plan to continue my workouts; once I am okay to do so, and improve my core strength so that I can minimize and hopefully eliminate injury.

I will post again on Friday to let you know my progress.

In the meantime; don't sweat the small stuff!!

Cah Productions Designs On-Line

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Gym Reviews: A little more Background

So I got to thinking that some of my readers may not be aware of my intentions for doing gym reviews and health and fitness posts. I figure just in case there is any doubt, I will re-re-itterate my intentions here again.

I'm not a fitness expert. I'm just an average person who happens to really like fitness activities and I strive to live a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity (I go to the gym 5 days a week) and nutritious eating habits (I do indulge in the occasional home baked goods and a handful of chips here and there)
My hope for this blog, my business activities and my daily interactions with people is that I will help to inspire others to take up their own lifestyle change and participate in a healthy lifestyle too. I would love to see everyone make fitness and healthy eating a normal part of their daily lifestyle.

I recently wrote an article for a local Hamilton blog which better illustrates my thoughts. You can read the full article here: Raise The Hammer
I also want to ensure that all owners or managers of any of the gyms or fitness organizations that I am reviewing will contact me regarding anything they see on this blog that might not be completely accurate. As a human, I may have some information on a post that is not as accurate as you may like. I welcome you to contact me with your comments, suggestions or ideas. You can email me at the blog here or you can post your comment and I will read and reply. Also let me know if you have some special events coming up or just want to post a health and fitness related article in my blog.
There are about 60 or so gym and fitness organizations in the main city of Hamilton. I will be focusing on these first then branching out to other sport organizations in the main city and much later reaching out to communities adjacent to Hamilton such as Burlington, Oakville, Winona and Caledonia.

If you have any suggestions, comments, criticisms, ideas or events you want to share, please feel free to do so.

Until next time...........don't sweat the small stuff!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Gym Review: Total FX Fitness, Hamilton

Total FX Fitness is a small fitness facility located on the east mountain in Hamilton. This gym offers a community environment to its members. Sessions are group classes or individual training with a personal trainer.  Members are supportive of each other and the overall feeling is warm and inviting.  Trainers tailor the workouts to suit each individual need and preference; even during group sessions. Let the trainer know in advance if you have limitations such as arthritis or other issues. This allows the trainer the opportunity to provide you with exercises that suit your capabilities yet still provide you with improved fitness. Call or email ahead to arrange a trial session and consultation.


The gym is located in a strip mall on Stonechurch Road in Hamilton. The store front is modest yet inside the gym is bright and well equipped with free weights, mats and rowing machines.  The gym is simple an unadorned but provides a safe and suitable environment for the killer workouts that the trainers provide to members.  There are no shower or change room facilities at this gym.

The staff are very friendly and welcoming. They are knowledgeable in the programs and offer several options to new clients.
Change rooms
There are no shower or change rooms. There is a washroom for member use.
Total FX Fitness offers a variety of classes to suit every fitness level from cardio to weights to target specific and kickboxing. The trainers will gladly help you to select a session that is most suitable to your tastes.  Every class is open to every level; trainers tailor the exercises to meet the needs of beginners and advanced fitness members so that everyone gains from the session. This gym also offers classes for youth ages 8 to 14. Memberships are flexible and can be purchased as two or three month commitment or full year membership. Check with staff for full details and pricing. 
Personal Trainers
Personal training sessions are also available and need to be booked in advance.  Check with reception for details.
Hours & Parking
This location is open:

Mon - Friday:  6am - 9pm
Saturday:       9am - 6pm
Sunday:         closed
Parking is available at the front and behind the building.

Overall Total FX Fitness' goal is to provide members with an alternative to the larger gyms by offering training that is tailored to your personal needs and schedule. They offer a unique class sign-up system online in addition to on-going motivation and encouragement to members. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Gym Review: All Canadian Fitness

All Canadian Fitness was established in 1993 in Hamilton. They are located in a strip plaza on Dundurn street. They specialize in providing fitness solutions to people who are frustrated and unsatisfied with their current fitness routine and not achieving the results they want. They help clients achieve their goals by working closely with them, providing a consultation at the start and checking on their progress during and throughout their membership. Training is provided one on one or in small group classes. There is no yearly membership. Members pay for sessions ahead of time individually or in blocks. Members are encouraged to call ahead to book a spot in a group session. Personal training sessions must be pre-booked. 


The gym is located in the downtown west end of Hamilton on Dundurn Street. There is limited parking in the back with street parking also available. The entrance is tricky to find and is on the far left side of the building along a narrow laneway. The gym area is small and brightly coloured. Trainers utilize a variety of equipment from elipticals and free weights to exercise balls and TRX trainers. They also offer physiotherapy sessions.
The owner of All Canadian Fitness is Ernie Schramayr. His enthusiam and energy is contagious and he is clearly the driving force behind this gym. Ernie welcomes every single person who enters the gym. The staff are very knowledgeable in health and fitness. Consultations are thorough and include discussion of nutrition and lifestyle habits which are key to establishing a sucessful fitness regimen. The staff at All Canadian Fitness are one of its strongest assets along with the carefully detailed and highly personalized programing at the gym. 

Change rooms
There are no showers. There is a small change room. There is a washroom for member use.
Classes are run in small groups of 4 - 8 participants and start at 5:30am weekdays.  Each session is different and utilizes the wide variety of equipment available at All Canadian Fitness. Specialized classes include kettlebells, TRX suspension training, boxing and battling ropes.

Personal Trainers
All trainers are Can-Fit Pro certified at All Canadian Fitness.  Sessions must be booked in advance with the trainer of your choice.

Hours & Parking
This location is open:

Monday - Thursday:  5:30am - 9pm
Friday:                     5:30am - 7pm
Saturday:                 8am - 1pm
Sunday:                   closed
Parking is available behind the building and on the street.

Overall, All Canadian Fitness offers a small gym with huge enthusiasm and energy. All Canadian Fitness is active in the community and provides some unique opportunities to their trainers and members to give back to the community through charity events during the year. If you are serious about your fitness goals and seeking a small gym with overwhelming energy, this is probably a good fit for you.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Gym Review: 5 Star Fitness, Hamilton

 5 Star Fitness is located on the east mountain in Hamilton just across the street from Total FX Fitness. The building was previously home to the Hamilton Roller Gardens.  Upon arrival, guests and members are greeted with a warm and classy reception area complete with a water fountain feature, a waiting area with comfortable couches and a juice bar.   The gym offers the look and feel of a larger gym combined with the community aspect of a small organization. Cleanliness is a top priority at 5 Star Fitness, and I have not been in a gym that is cleaner than this gym.


Located on Stonechurch Road in Hamilton the building provides a large parking area for members. The reception, change rooms and gym are bright and welcoming. The main gym has a wide variety of resistance machines, free weights area and cardio area. There is also a dance studio/group class area. My favourite part of this gym is the boxing studio which is the largest and cleanest I have seen in Hamilton. They also provide physiotheraphy services and child care on site.

Reception staff are friendly and personable. They provide member services in a variety of aspects including the main desk, equipment shop and the juice bar.  
Change rooms
Change rooms are large and very clean. Showers are very large and well maintained. There is also a sauna available in the womens change room. Plenty of mirrors are available as well as plug ins for hair dryers.

5 Star Fitness offers a wide variety of group classes ranging from Pilates and Yoga to cardio, boot camp and MMA boxing.  There are even martial arts classes for  youth aged 4 to 12. 5 Star Fitness also offers some very unique programming such as Zumba Fitness and a Golf Training program.

Personal Trainers
5 Star Fitness offers an impressive line-up of personal trainers from a wide variety of fitness backgrounds.   Sessions need to be booked in advance. Check with reception for details.

Hours & Parking
This location is open 24 hours from Monday at 5am to Friday at 11pm:

Saturday:       7am - 8pm
Sunday:         7am - 6pm
Parking is available at the side of the building.

Overall, 5 Star Fitness provides its members with a classy environment to pursue their fitness goals. They offer a wide variety of programs to suit just about anyone. This fall, they are planning on opening a second location in Stoney Creek. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gym Review: Century Physio & Fitness, Hamilton

Just a reminder to all readers;
The GTA Fitness Reviewer has moved!
I now have my own domain name and the freedom to design my web site any way I wish.
Please use this link to read the latest post now.

Here's a quick review on Century Physio & Fitness in Hamilton.

This gym has two locations in Hamilton. I had briefly described Century Fitness in a previous blog post. I will summarize what I noted with some added details:

Upper James location:


Two levels; the lower level contains the administrative offices, daycare, change rooms, dance studio/women's area. The upper level contains the main gym which has cardio equipment, resistance machines and free weights area. There is also a customer service desk on the upper level.
The building is bright with natural light coming in from the west windows which cover the entire front wall. There are two water fountains upstairs and two main squeegee/paper towel stations.
The equipment is plentiful yet still allows for adequate space between so that you don't feel like you are being crowded. Equipment is maintained regularly. Individual TVs are found as part of the cardio equipment as well as plug ins for audio headphones.

This location is well staffed and attended. The reception area is central to the building and staff are friendly and attentive.  Personal Trainers are knowledgeable and can be seen attending to clients during various times of the day during the week.
Change rooms
The change rooms at this location are very nice.  Lots of mirrors. Lots of privacy with the locker areas divided into nooks. The women's change room has 4 private shower rooms. Each room has a sink, toilet and shower. This type of setup allows for total privacy. For those of you who are shy about changing and showering in a public facility, this type of setup is ideal. The change rooms are moderately clean and maintained.  

The aerobic studio is part of the women's only area and is adjacent to the women's change room. There is equipment placed on the outer perimeter of the studio floor for use as the women's only area. The area is relatively clean but could use some help from members to put away equipment after use. A class schedule is not posted but is available if you inquire at reception.

Personal Trainers
This location has many personal trainers available for one-on-one sessions. In addition to regular sessions, Century Fitness also has Physio available to members who require this service. This Physio service is covered under most health plans. Check with reception for details.

Hours & Parking
This location is open:

Mon - Thurs:  5am - 11pm
Friday:           5am - 10pm
Saturday:       8am - 6pm
Sunday:         8am - 6pm

Overall the Upper James Century Physio & Fitness gym offers solid facilities, friendly staff and extended hours to its members.  This particular location seems to attract members who are of the Baby Boomer generation, which is one of the largest groups who are keenly interested in improving their health and fitness.

Upper Wentworth Location:


This location also has two levels; the main level containing the reception area, daycare, change rooms, women's only area, juice bar, administrative offices, elevator to the upper level and a lap pool. The upper level contains the main gym, a room with hydraulic resistance equipment, boxing studio, washroom, cardio equipment, resistance machines and free weights area. There is also a customer service desk on the upper level.
This building is also bright with natural light coming in from the north windows which cover the entire front wall. The elevator from the main floor brings you up to a catwalk on the upper level. There are two water fountains upstairs and two main squeegee/paper towel stations.
The boxing studio is quite large and includes several bags hung around the perimeter with a boxing ring found in the centre of the room. You need to have a boxing membership to use this studio and ask for a key at the reception area to gain access.  Group classes and one-on-one boxing training is facilitated by the Hamilton Boxing Club.
The women's only area which is accessible from the women's change room is quite small and dark. This space might be better utilized for another purpose or needs to be lightened and brightened to be more attractive to members.
The main gym also has many TVs hanging above the cardio equipment.

This location is also well staffed and attended. The reception area is larger at this location and extends outwards from the offices. Overall the staff are friendly and attentive. Personal Trainers at this location are also knowledgeable and can be seen attending to clients during various times of the day during the week.
Change rooms
The change rooms at this location are nice.  Good privacy with the locker areas divided into nooks. There are no private showers available at this location. There are private saunas. The change rooms are moderately clean and maintained.

The aerobic studio is on the upper level. The studio is very bright and clean. Many members utilize this space for warm-up or cool down exercises when classes are not running.  A class schedule is not posted but is available if you inquire at reception.

Personal Trainers
This location has also many personal trainers available for one-on-one sessions. In addition to regular sessions, Century Fitness also has Physio available to members who require this service. This Physio service is covered under most health plans. Check with reception for details.

Hours & Parking
This location is open:

Mon - Thurs: 24 hours
Friday: 5am - 10pm
Saturday: 8am - 6pm
Sunday: 8am - 6pm

Overall the Upper Wentworth Century Physio & Fitness gym offers solid facilities, friendly staff and extended hours to its members. This particular location seems to attract members who are of a very different demographic than its Upper James location. Members here at Upper Wentworth tend to be in their mid 20's to mid 30's.

I invite you to visit Century Physio & Fitness. They offer a one week trial pass to new members which gives you the chance to check out both locations and try out the many great fitness solutions they provide their members.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Gym Reviews

So I've been babbling on a lot lately about exercise and health in general. I've reported to you my own personal findings about what exercises and methods work best for me. I've done some research on the methodology of fitness and found some tips and ideas on healthy nutrition. Now, I'd like to return to reviewing some of the incredible fitness facilities available in the Hamilton Ontario area. I will be posting reviews of fitness clubs over the next few months.

Again I want to reiterate my purpose; that is to give you the reader a blog that informs, educates and with some luck inspires you to get up and start moving on your own path to personal health and fitness. My gym reviews will never be scathing or negative. The purpose is to provide you with first hand information and observations so that you can check out these businesses for yourself to see which ones will be a good fit for what you want to achieve.
So, what do you want to achieve?
That's your first step. Write down a few measurable and achievable goals. Obviously, if you have never adopted a regular exercise routine before, you will not expect to run a 10k race in the next 6 months. Keep in mind that goals which focus on weight loss tend to be short-lived and disappointing.

Weight loss is an inaccurate measure of fitness. As you become more fit, you lose fat and gain muscle. Muscle weighs more that fat, so gauging your "success" solely on what the scale tells you is false.  

Focus on simple things, like losing 2 inches from your waist at the end of 6 months. Or being able to walk up the stairs in your home without being out of breath. Or being able to kick or throw a ball with your kids without straining your back/knees/arms etc.

Next; examine your personality and current lifestyle. Do you have a regular work and personal schedule? Or is your schedule harried and unpredictable? Are you a self-starter? Are you determined and thrive on inner motivation? Or, do you need someone to kick you in the butt to get you moving?
Do you like to work on your own? Or do you need the support of a group setting to achieve your daily goals?  Are you a social animal? Or do you prefer to be solitary?

Your personality and current lifestyle will determine the type of fitness facility that will best meet your needs. In Hamilton, there are fitness clubs that offer solutions for every personality type and lifestyle. 

Basically there are four types of fitness clubs:

        1.  Large Mainstream gyms:
  • These gyms offer a wide variety of services. The facilities are large and often there are more than one location. Services include complete range of equipment from free weights and resistance machines to treadmills, ellipticals and stationary bikes.  These gyms also have expansive change room facilities which include lockers, showers and saunas. Many of these gyms also provide personal trainers, group classes, physiotherapy sessions and some offer spa services and other specialty training such as boxing or yoga. 
  • Members of large gyms are varied. Some members are the independent self-motivated type who are able to integrate their gym routine into their daily lifestyle. These members tend to visit the gym a minimum of 4 days per week and tend to visit at the same time of day every day.
  • Members who need to be motivated and prefer a social component to their workouts; combine the additional features of personal trainers and group classes with their own individual workouts. Often these members visit the gym 3 or less days per week.
        2.  Small gyms that offer Big Gym services:
  • These gyms offer much the same services as the larger gyms. The difference is that the small gyms provide more of a community atmosphere. Membership is smaller and members tend to know one another and socialize more in this smaller setting.  If you want a variety of services but in a cozier setting, these types of gyms would be appealing for you. Each gym has its own culture. You will need to visit the gym and try out a membership to determine if the culture fits your style.
        3.  Personal training Gyms:
  • You will find these little gems in the most auspicious places. Many are nestled into strip malls and residential plazas. For the uninitiated, these small gyms offer personalized services that the larger gyms cannot provide. This makes them the ideal place for members who need the encouragement and support of a personal trainer.  Overall, they tend to be slightly more expensive than the larger gyms. However, what you receive in return is personal attention and the opportunity to really achieve those goals you set for yourself. Again, these gyms each have their own flavour or culture. Therefore; you will need to visit the gym yourself and try out a session to see if you "fit".   
        4.  Personal Trainers:
  • You can also find personal trainers who will come into your home and work with you. Although I will not be reviewing these businesses; it is something to consider if you are desperately shy and need someone to cheer you on every step of the way towards your fitness goals.

As mentioned, only you can determine what type of fitness facility will suit you best. The best way to decide is try them out. Pick at least one gym from each category; Large Mainstream, Small Big Gym, Personal Training gym or a Personal Trainer and try them out for a day/session or two before signing any contract or giving your credit card information.  When you are successful at finding the right fit for your fitness needs; your own personal fitness goals will become more achievable.  And, you will also find that including daily fitness to your lifestyle will become a habit worth keeping.

until next time...don't sweat the small stuff!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I was Wrong

Let it never be said that I do not admit when I am wrong.
I was wrong.
I've been doing cardio at the start of my workouts then doing weights and core training.
I just found out that is the wrong order if your goal is to burn fat and become leaner !!
<insert sheepish smiley face here>
I found a wonderful blog post by a local gym that I feel is very valuable and informative and easy to understand. Well done!! This post explains and demystifies alot of misconceptions about exercise and workout routines.
You can read it here:

In case you need more proof, (I sure did) I also researched the concept of weights before cardio and found several more articles that support this thinking in addition to articles that also explain the pros and cons and reasons why to order your workout in specific ways to reach certain goals:
Does exercise order matter?
Before Or After?

Me too. So being who I am, I am going to reverse my workout for a month; do weights first and cardio last.
I will let you know what I discover.

until then, don't sweat the small stuff!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to Lose Belly Fat

So here it is; the sure-fire way to lose that annoying belly fat. But wait!! There are a few things you require first:

1) Be willing to work hard

2) Determination

3) Never give up

If you have those three qualities then this method to losing belly fat will work:

1) Regular exercise; at least 5 times per week for 1 hour each session. Include minimum of  20 minutes of vigorous cardio combined with weights, core training and abdominal exercises. (ideally you should try to do 30-40 minutes of vigorous cardio during 3 of the 5 visits to your gym per week and 20 minutes of cardio twice per week during your session)

2) A nutrition plan that is high in lean protein and low in fat and carbs and schedules your eating into 5 small meals per day (ideally you should try to focus on smaller portions more frequently throughout the day; this will help to boost your metabolism)

Now I need to tell you, I am not a doctor, nutritionist, professional trainer or any expert whatsoever. So how do I know the above advice works?? Well, I followed and continue to follow the above advice and it is working for me.

The results:
  • I lost more than 6 inches from my waist in 12 months. 
  • I have increased muscle mass (which helps to burn calories).
  • My overall strength and endurance has increased significantly. (I now pedal 5km on the elliptical in 16 minutes, when I started 12 months ago it took me 40 minutes)
  • My energy level has improved
  • I sleep better
  • My overall mood is happy and content
I welcome you to give it a try for yourself. Be patient. It takes several months before you see any real results. That's where the "determination" and "never give up" qualities come in.

Take a picture of yourself before you start. Then, take another picture three or four months into your program. You will see the difference. You will feel the difference.

Good health is not just about your body.  Having good health will affect how you feel about yourself. Your improved self-image will positively impact your life. You will be happier and more willing to try things because of the increased self confidence. It really is quite amazing how one small change can so greatly impact and improve the quality of your life.

I wish you all well.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Put Your Toys away Please!

Ah, got your attention eh?
Today I am going to express the benefits of "treat your neighbour as yourself" theory as applied to the fitness club that you are a member of.
Now surely most of this is common sense and most of you already do these things without even really thinking about it, your actions are just a normal reflex.
Cleanliness in your fitness club is probably, above all, the most important element next to excellent customer service, that you can expect to see each and every time you enter your gym. Cleanliness reflects a positive image and supports confidence in the gym organization.
Cleanliness also extends to keeping equipment clean and well maintained at all times.

Basic aspects of a clean gym include:
Clean and sanitized washroom, shower and changeroom facilities
Floors that are clean and free of visible dust and grit
Glass and mirrors are free of finger prints and smudges
Adequate and maintained air circulation and temperature control
Sanitation stations ALWAYS equiped with cleaner and paper towels
Fitness equipment stored neatly off the main floor space

Not only is the gym responsible for the cleanliness of the facilities, but also the members. How is that you say?? Simple. Treat your gym like your home. Respect others who use the facility by putting away the equipment when you are finished using it. I don't know how many countless times I have been in my gym, in the womens studio area and found myself picking up equipment that I didn't use, simply because it was scattered everywhere and in the way. Its really not difficult to replace the mats and free weights back where they belong. This helps the next person find the equipment easily, and keeps the gym safe and clutter free. Which all in turn elevates the appearance of the gym to visitors and promotes a growth in membership. 

So next time you visit the gym, remember to put away your "toys".  You will appreciate others doing the same for you.

Until next time......don't sweat the small stuff!

Monday, June 25, 2012

I'm Back!!

I am back, dear readers!! Sorry for the long lapse without a post. I have been happily busy working on a new project which will consume most of my time. However, because its something I love to do, it won't seem like work. Nay! In fact it will feel more like just doing what I do best. (insert wink here)
I have been keeping up with my workout routine through all the changes to my schedule and work day. I am at the gym usually around 6:30 am through the week and work out for an hour. Weekends have become too busy for me, with summer being the main distraction so I have not been going to the gym on weekends.
As for my nutrition plan; while I'm not keeping to it strictly as I was for the first couple months, I am aware of the lessons I learned while on the plan. My food choices now try to best suit the nutrition plans ideals of low carbs, low fat, high protein and fresh vegetables and fruit. And I try to have at least 4 smaller meals per day.
I have actually lost weight; about 3 lbs. And I've lost inches again. My size 7 pants are now quite loose around the waist. I can't go to a smaller size because my legs and butt won't fit in a size 5. I'm not concerned, I wear belts when needed. Most of my tops are loose on me too. I suppose the only real draw-back of getting fit is that your clothes become too big and loose. I tend to prefer tighter fitting clothing, but since I'm on a budget, I will just have to settle for the clothes I have right now. Besides, I tend to gain weight over the winter months so there's no sense in spending on new clothes.
My elliptical workout sessions have also increased in intensity. I find I can now finish a distance of 3 miles in less than 20 minutes. Today I did 3 miles in 18 minutes. I wish I was able to actually run, as in run on pavement. The weather here has been so amazing lately, I'd love to take my workout outdoors. But my knees are not in the best condition, so its not advisable for me to run on pavement or trails.
The elliptical machine is a great substitute; since you can still get the cardio workout your muscles are capable of while not stressing your knees or hips or feet. Anyone with joint problems, try the elliptical machine. Its a great way to workout well without beating up your joints.

until next week......don't sweat the small stuff!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Countdown Begins

With only 3 days to go before my birthday and the official end day of the Belly Fat Challenge I am now a bit nervous about the final results.  Why??  Well, being human, I have faltered from the nutrition plan here and there and indulged in a few more carbs than what had been recommended. Truth be told; I have also indulged in one or two chocolate bars very recently!! ARG!!!!

But wait!!!! Is this the end of the world????  Have I failed miserably???  Ummmmm, no; in fact these simple facts serve to demonstrate that our society still needs work at improving the image of health and fitness.  Its not just a fad for the severely bored and oppressed.  For those who have no imagination or who have insane prejudice for meat-eaters.  These are all stereo-typical ideas of those who are keen about health and fitness.  Its like the nerdy kid in class.  Everyone knows he's gonna earn waay more than anyone else in the class when he grows up; but he is still persecuted by his classmates simply because he is a nerd.  Thus does society poke fun and stereo-type those of us who make health and fitness a lifestyle choice. I know I get comments from time to time about the amount of time I spend at the gym.  However, I am committed to this lifestyle now and I am enjoying the benefits of being healthy.  Feeling good, having more energy, sleeping better, clothes fitting better, improved self esteem and improved overall outlook on life in general. 

Likely I will NOT post on my birthday, June 7th as I will be busy ....... however I will post final results and final comments on my Belly Fat Challenge this weekend, June 9th or 10th.

enjoy the rest of your week

until then; don't sweat the small stuff!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Importance of Proper Form During Exercise

The Importance of proper form during exercise cannot be overstated. Ask any personal trainer or fitness coach and they will tell you that doing 5 reps of any exercise using correct form and technique is more effective than doing 20 reps with poor form.

You might think this topic is pretty straight-forward, but actually it is fairly complex. The reason for this is because knowing and practicing correct form during exercise is a skill that requires learning and repetition.

Throughout this blog, I have extolled the virtues of exercise, regular daily exercise and being motivated to start an exercise routine. Motivation, determination and routine are fantastic and all necessary to achieve your fitness goals. However, you also need know-how; that is to say, you need to know the correct way to exercise. You need to learn correct form.

Think back to high school, or even grade school and Phys-Ed class (or Fizz-Ed class as I like to remember them as). Surely you can recall at least one well-meaning teacher who taught you how to do situps and push ups. Sit Ups were performed by laying flat on your back, then reaching up and across to touch your toes. Personally, I never really felt much going on in my gut, but my back sure did hurt afterwards. Push-ups seemed just as pointless to me, no one told me to squeeze my butt and keep my back straight not swayed. So again, very little affect for me at that time, except again to aggravate my back.
No fault to the Fizz-Ed teachers; they were simply teaching what was practiced at that time.

These days, physical fitness and nutritional health are not just for the fringe few. Fitness and health have become "buzz words" that are known by the general public. Yet sadly, only 15% of Canadians achieve the recommended weekly 150 minutes of physical activity; according to the Globe and Mail . What the Stats Can survey does not take into account is the quality of the exercise that the 15% are engaging in. I think its safe to say most people would prefer quality over quantity in most things; TV shows, movies, food, cars etc.

So I've kinda wandered away a wee bit from my original thought here, but the point is that correct form (aka: quality) is very important during your exercise sessions. So now the question is, how do you learn correct form??

You can research; like I've done here for you OR you can book a few personal training sessions with a qualified Personal Trainer at your gym.

If you decide to take the route I recommend most, which is work with a Personal Trainer; make the most of your sessions by asking outright what you want to achieve; that is TELL YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER WHAT YOUR FITNESS GOALS ARE. They can only help you if you tell them; so don't be shy. Second; during your training sessions, if you have any questions or are unsure about what you are doing ASK QUESTIONS!. The best Personal Trainers will respond to your questions and will be further inspired by your interest in your own physical health.

When I started my most recent personal training sessions, my trainer had me use free-weights for some of the exercises. I had never used free-weights before and I told him that so that he would know I was a beginner. This gave him the opportunity to teach me the correct form; thereby achieving maximum effect while performing the exercises AND most importantly; avoiding unnecessary injury or strain that can happen when you perform an exercise with poor or incorrect form.

Again; I want to repeat that last point:
Using proper form during exercise will help you to achieve maximum effect while performing the exercises AND most importantly; avoid unnecessary injury or strain that can happen when you perform an exercise with poor or incorrect form.

Of course, you can also learn correct form from books and videos. Be sure to check the dates to ensure the information is current and check if the author and their information is backed by a government agency or other qualified agency.

I found a few web sites and videos in a quick search for correct exercise technique:
Squats: this one describes the squat technique I use which was taught to me by my personal trainer 

I'm pretty picky, these three were the only ones I found so far, that were easy to understand and also showed correct form during the exercise. I was trying to find some videos showing free weight exercises similar to the ones I have been taught. But I was not able to find any today.

Basically, I use a 20 or 30lb barbell for the first exercise. The idea is to hold the weight in front of you, allowing your arms to relax stretched down fully  in front of you while you stand with your legs hip width apart, knees very slightly bent, feet pointed forward. Slowly bend at the waist (do not bend at your knees); pushing your butt out behind you until your hands holding the weight lower past your knees. Be sure to keep your chest and head up, looking straight ahead. Hold for 1 second then come back up more quickly than you went down; squeezing your butt while doing so. Keep your core (tummy) tight during the exercise. If done correctly; you should feel the exercise work your butt, thighs, tummy and lower back. I had started with 20lbs several weeks ago and today I used 30lbs and was able to feel the exercise again. Do about 15 reps, then mix with 15 reps of two other exercises and repeat 4 times. 

If you find some great videos showing excellent proper form for exercises, please send me the links and I will post them here for everyone to share.

The summary of today is to remember that proper form is extremely important during your exercise routine. Whenever you are unsure, always ask a personal trainer or seek other professional advice. An easy rule to use is that if the exercise is causing you pain; then its probably not working correctly. The key is to know the difference between pain and the normal burn you feel when working the muscle correctly. A personal trainer can help you to learn this and they can help you to achieve your own fitness goals.

Until next time; don't sweat the small stuff... 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Belly Fat Challenge: Week #11 update

So here it is, the long awaited picture of progress. In order to appreciate how much work I have done to lose the 3 inches I have lost from my waist in 11 weeks you need to review some of my posts which discuss my daily workouts. Yes, daily. I had been going to the gym everyday for about an hour each day since March 6th. Recently, I have had to scale this back to 6 days per week, due to a new commitment.

Here is the before picture taken
on March 6, 2012:
March 6, 2012
May 18, 2012
And over here >>is the after picture;  after 11 weeks of hard work taken today, May 18, 2012.

Wow, I wasn't even aware of the difference myself until just looking at these two pictures now.
It sure makes me feel good that all my hard work has translated into some really great results. This is not the end of my belly fat challenge, gosh no. It has now spurred me on to keep working hard and keep up my exercise routine and maintain my healthy diet. It feels great to be able to slip on my jeans now, rather than squeeze myself into them. LOL!!

I sincerely hope that by sharing my experiences here has inspired some of my readers to take up their own fitness challenges. For years I thought there was no way I'd ever lose the belly fat I gained through two pregnancies. The skin there was so stretched and the fat just didn't seem to ever want to go away. But now I've managed to change all that by working out more often and by changing my diet. For me, its not just about how I look, but how I feel overall.  And, its also about setting a goal and reaching that goal.

Until next time; don't sweat the small stuff...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Todays Workout and Fitness Update

Well, it certainly is a beautiful Friday morning in May here in Hamilton. My workout this morning combined 30 mins of cardio with 30 mins of abdominal work  and some weight training. I've been getting alot of positive remarks lately on how I look. Everything from; "your skin looks so good since you've quit smoking", to "I hardly even recognize you, you look great, what are you doing different?".
Its nice to get positive feedback. I am incredibly self-critical, so hearing great things from people around me tends to cut through my own self-talk and brighten things up. I think one of the unexpected perks of exercising regularly and eating healthy is that even when things are worry-some or troubled in your life, you are able to manage the challenges more easily. I think that the reason for this is because exercise and healthy eating help to stabilize your body; sort of a buffer-zone to stressful events that occur in your life. The discipline, energy and determination that you "exercise" while exercising all overflow into your day to day life.
Its tough to describe completely, but if you are someone who has made healthy diet and exercise a regular part of your life, you know what I mean.
Next week, I plan on posting some updates on my Belly Fat challenge, including pictures. Yes, the dreaded pictures!!! But I think that the progress I've made is truly noticeable now.
Reality Check:
I just want to say one big thing about the hype you read and hear about diet and exercise. There are so many different products out there from miracle teas and pills to exercise machines that guarantee results!! All of these products have one thing in common: they promise huge results quickly. 
Seriously; do you, as a human being and informed consumer really think that in just 3 weeks all your fat will melt away like magic?????????????????????????
Think about it logically. Did it take three weeks for you to gain those 50lbs??? Probably not. I know when I was expecting my first child, I gained 80lbs over a 40 week period. It took me more than 10 years to lose the first 50lbs.(without trying)  The other 30 I only started losing since I adopted my exercise program two years ago. Of course, some people may have a quicker metabolism. But NO ONE has a metabolism that can burn 20lbs in 3wks. You would have to work out 10hours a day every day and diet like there's no tomorrow.  Definitely a very unhealthy way to lose weight.  
The hard truth is that achieving good health requires commitment. You need to commit time and effort. And you need to be determined to stick to it. A health program that helps you to lose weight, tone muscle, and eat healthy requires a lifetime commitment. Once you have achieved your goal (whatever you think is your "ideal" body/health) then you need to continue with the healthy lifestyle to maintain your health. Its not temporary. Its not a quick fix then-I-can-go-back-to-eating-burgers-and-fries-and-1000-calorie-shakes thing.  Its a new lifestyle. That means "for life". Embrace it. And Enjoy it.    

Until next time; don't sweat the small stuff...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Diet - Easy And Tasty Recipe #5

Gee, its been awhile since I've shared a recipe on here. March 20th was the last time I posted a diet suggestion. Today I have a new one for you, and its part of the nutrition plan that I have been following for about a month now.

Curry Chicken Salad

lettuce, chopped
cucumber, diced
red pepper, diced
onion, diced
zero or low fat cheese (2 small slices, cubed)
one hard boiled egg, peeled and sliced
3oz chicken
zero or low fat balsamic dressing
1 tsp yellow curry powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp crushed coriander seed
salt and pepper to taste

Gently saute the chicken in a pan with 1 tbsp of olive or canola oil. Add the curry, cumin, turmeric and coriander when the chicken has browned. Add 1 tbsp of water and cover and simmer.
Meanwhile; assemble your salad by layering the lettuce, cucumber, pepper and onion in a salad bowl. Garnish with the egg and cubed cheese.
Slice the chicken when finished cooking and add to the salad.
Top with 1 tbsp of balsamic dressing.



Monday, May 7, 2012

Fitness Clubs: What is most important to you?

I know I previously blogged on this topic but its such an important topic I don't see why we can't look at it again. It's surely a great thing that each of us has our own likes and dislikes and the things that we feel are important to us are also varied. Variety is the spice of life, right?? Sure. However, all this spiciness is what makes it difficult for companies to attract our attention. There are so many "groups" of consumers. What businesses need to do (and this includes fitness clubs) is to determine the market (aka: consumer group) to whom they want to target their services/products.   

Lets take a simple product like books, for example:
Most cities and towns have at least one used book store. Although anyone is free to walk in to these stores and purchase books, its fair to say that very likely the majority of customers who frequent used book stores are; students, seniors, customers on a low or fixed income and a few environmentally conscious persons.

Next you have small privately owned bookstores, some of which do offer used product but for the most part sell new books and related items. These types of stores often appeal to people like me, who prefer to spend money at locally owned businesses to support the local economy. Other reasons to shop here would be that the customers don't like big box stores, they know the owner or someone in his family or peer group, or they prefer the shopping experience of being in a small shop, where often you receive a higher standard of customer service and attention.

Finally you have your big box stores. The franchises which look the same no matter if the store is on the east or west coast. Just as they offer a generalized overview of books and other related products they similarly appeal to the generalized consumer, one of the masses. I have purchased books at a big box store. Pricing and location being the two reasons. If I had more time to make my purchases, I would have gone to a locally-owned store. 

So just as book sellers cater to different markets, so should fitness clubs. You can't be everything to everyone. Its impossible!! My club, Century Fitness has the key things that I wanted in my fitness club;
1) CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN facilities
2) Fully operational equipment and changeroom facilities
3) Open early or 24 hours
4) Nice, clean, quiet boxing studio
5) Quiet area with padded floor for cool-down stretching
6) Staff available in the main gym to assist with questions about equipment, exercises etc
7) Comfortable facility temperature and ventilation system

Someone whose opinion I greatly respect made a comment about my gym and what they disliked. They said that they felt the equipment was old and not in the best working order and that they had trouble finding paper towels sometimes. He prefers the gym he is a member of because the equipment is "state-of-the-art" (his words) and in better condition.

Personally, I am okay with older equipment, as long as it is kept in excellent working order. It would be nice to see one or two new machines introduced on a regular basis. The advantage to this would be that it would create a "buzz" among the members. They would be anxious to try it out; and more likely to talk to their peers about their gym and the new equipment. When clients talk about their gym in a positive way, it can easily generate new clients simply by the excitement and enthusiasm expressed. 

Companies like McDonalds and Tim Hortons do this. They have their standard fare; and then they offer new stuff, usually every 3-6 months. This new stuff is to generate a "buzz", get people talking. And if they are talking about your business or product, other people will hear about it and it will generate more sales. 

So this month, I am going to put up another poll and this one will focus on finding out what you feel are the most important features you want in your fitness club. Please vote, your opinion counts. We want to tell fitness club owners what we want, so they will hear us and respond to our wish list. 

Until next time...don't sweat the small stuff!