Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm Injured

Well it finally happened dear readers; I managed to hurt myself on Sunday. I took a basketball to the park and spent an hour with my boyfriend shooting hoops. I was having a great time. Jumping and shooting and dribbling and running and jumping and jumping and......................ARG!!  I felt a cramp in my left side after one of the jumps.  I thought nothing of it.
About 10 minutes after shooting hoops, my lower back seized up; all the muscles tightened and cramped together into one painful knot.  Pain was radiating out towards my hips and twinges down my legs. I felt marvelous!!!
Not really!!!!!!!!
Me, being me; I chose to ignore it the rest of the day and carried on with my dinner plans and other plans.  Well Sunday night I hobbled into bed and decided I should probably call the doctor in the morning, just to be sure I didn't do any really serious damage.
The next morning; I limped over to my doctor where she confirmed that I had seized up the muscles in my lower back.  She said it was a result of a build up of lactic acid that normally the muscles will release but this time they did not. She told me to use alternating heat and cold to help relax the muscles. She gave me prescriptions for an anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxer.
So now, I lie on my back with my knees raised typing this blog entry. Yesterday was quite painful. Today is a bit better. Sitting is difficult. I haven't been to the gym since Friday, which is really bugging me, as I really enjoy my gym visits.  I am to "relax" with the hope that by Friday there will be improvement. If no improvement, I am to call my doctor again. 
Its only been 36 hours and already I'm going stir-crazy not being able to be active.  My doctor said walking will help, so I do plan on doing that today.
Injury does happen, and probably will happen if you are active. That does not mean that you should not try things that might be out of your zone. The body does heal and for me, I can only learn my limits once my body decides to tell me I've reached them.  I don't consider my age ever, I figure since I'm working out 5 days a week I should be able to play an hour of hoops without worry. 
What I learned is that even with 5 hours of gym time a week, I'm still not as fit as I'd like to be. SO now, I plan to continue my workouts; once I am okay to do so, and improve my core strength so that I can minimize and hopefully eliminate injury.

I will post again on Friday to let you know my progress.

In the meantime; don't sweat the small stuff!!

Cah Productions Designs On-Line

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