Monday, June 25, 2012

I'm Back!!

I am back, dear readers!! Sorry for the long lapse without a post. I have been happily busy working on a new project which will consume most of my time. However, because its something I love to do, it won't seem like work. Nay! In fact it will feel more like just doing what I do best. (insert wink here)
I have been keeping up with my workout routine through all the changes to my schedule and work day. I am at the gym usually around 6:30 am through the week and work out for an hour. Weekends have become too busy for me, with summer being the main distraction so I have not been going to the gym on weekends.
As for my nutrition plan; while I'm not keeping to it strictly as I was for the first couple months, I am aware of the lessons I learned while on the plan. My food choices now try to best suit the nutrition plans ideals of low carbs, low fat, high protein and fresh vegetables and fruit. And I try to have at least 4 smaller meals per day.
I have actually lost weight; about 3 lbs. And I've lost inches again. My size 7 pants are now quite loose around the waist. I can't go to a smaller size because my legs and butt won't fit in a size 5. I'm not concerned, I wear belts when needed. Most of my tops are loose on me too. I suppose the only real draw-back of getting fit is that your clothes become too big and loose. I tend to prefer tighter fitting clothing, but since I'm on a budget, I will just have to settle for the clothes I have right now. Besides, I tend to gain weight over the winter months so there's no sense in spending on new clothes.
My elliptical workout sessions have also increased in intensity. I find I can now finish a distance of 3 miles in less than 20 minutes. Today I did 3 miles in 18 minutes. I wish I was able to actually run, as in run on pavement. The weather here has been so amazing lately, I'd love to take my workout outdoors. But my knees are not in the best condition, so its not advisable for me to run on pavement or trails.
The elliptical machine is a great substitute; since you can still get the cardio workout your muscles are capable of while not stressing your knees or hips or feet. Anyone with joint problems, try the elliptical machine. Its a great way to workout well without beating up your joints.

until next week......don't sweat the small stuff!!

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