Thursday, March 8, 2012

Body Mind and Spirit

Today I visited the Upper Wentworth location of Premier/PhysioMed. First thing I noticed was the new sign. Inside I asked about it at the desk and the girl said yes, they are now called Century Fitness. I'm just glad they are still open and operating, the name really doesn't matter.
I kept my visit simple this morning, just a quick session on the treadmill and some stretching. According to the lovely read-out on the treadmill I burned 411 calories and travelled 2.48 miles during my 45 minute session (which also included 5 minutes of a cool down period)

I'd like to venture into another aspect of fitness which is often overlooked by most. There's more to being healthy and fit than just physical exercise and diet. Fitness also encompasses your mental and spiritual state. Worry, fear, stress, general unhappiness all affect your overall health.  Consider the last time you had a cold or flu. Were you feeling miserable before you were sick or only after you became sick?? Think about it, but not too hard.  Chances are when you are feeling worried or stressed you probably also started to feel physical symptoms. Tired, achy, and a general feeling of "blah". As a Canadian, I notice many people around me suffer from the "blah" during the winter months, especially when daylight hours are so short that most people who work rarely see sunlight.

Please note, I'm not a doctor or health professional of any sort, my writings here are just simple personal observations.  For me, getting regular physical exercise, especially in the mornings, really helps my overall sense of well-being. I feel more energized for the day ahead and I feel like I've already accomplished something by getting up early and getting to the gym. So my morning sessions improve both my physical and mental health.

You'll never know until you give it a try!

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