Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm an Ex-Smoker

Okay. I am reasonably confident (88%) that I am now an ex-smoker.  Its been since midnight on March 14th, 2012 when I had my last cigarette. Today is day 6!!!
Honestly, I did not think I could do it. I tried so many times before and never got past the first day. What was different this time?? No clue!! Well, maybe the fact that my BF doesn't smoke, that I'm rarely around smokers anymore, that I was tired of smelling like a cigarette, I was tired of always making sure I had them with me (addiction), I was fed up with having to stop what I was doing to have a cigarette (addiction). I read a bit about cigarettes; discovered what I'd already suspected, which is that smokers become addicted to cigarettes. I didn't want to be controlled by my addiction anymore.  
Yes, I still get moments of intense craving. I expect that this will continue for a few more weeks. And I expect the moments will become shorter, further apart and less intense.
Last night, I had a dream where I was smoking in the dream. I became really annoyed and woke myself up. I was worried I had started back into the habit. Luckily, it was only a dream.
On the Smokers Helpline website, part of the information they asked me to fill out included giving myself rewards for reaching milestones, one day, one week, one month etc. I didn't put anything in there for my rewards. At the time, I was so focused on just getting thru hour by hour; I could not consider a day, a week, a month. So today, I decided to reward myself.
I got my haircut. Full deal; wash, cut, dry and style. Normally I only get a cut.
Heck, I deserve it!!!

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