Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Music to Burn Fat By

I am a recent convert to using an MP3 player during my workout sessions. Until about 3 weeks ago, I relied on the music that was projected thru the sound systems at the gyms. But I have found that using your own music has its advantages.
When you rely on the broadcast music at the gym, you might be interrupted with radio babble; especially early in the morning. That tends to throw off my stride while I'm pushing my way up the hill on the treadmill. Honestly, I really have no interest in what so and so did last night in Hollywood at the trendiest club of the night.
So, I invested in a nice pair of wireless headphones and fed my blackberry some of the music I have on my DVD collection. Now, technically my tastes are more along the classic alternative rock styles; but I don't find that musically style especially motivational during my workouts. A sudden burst of Dream On lacks the urgency I need to keep moving. So instead, Ive loaded my BB Bold with selections of Lady Gaga, Madonna and Annie Lennox. Three power pumped divas who seem to have a penchant for amazing vocals and hard hitting beats. Perfect!
BTW; I truly love my wireless headphones. They are bluetooth and I could even receive calls if I wanted to .................. The freedom of wireless cannot be understated when in the gym. Now all I need is an armband to strap my BB to and I'm all set.
What's your favourite music to workout to???

don't sweat the small stuff  

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