Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Challenges - Updates and Tabulations

So by now, if you read this blog on a regular basis, you have noticed that I have begun a number of challenges in the past month. This seems to be something I do to myself all the time in everything I do. Annoying? Possibly, at least to those to who know me personally.

The first challenge was this blog and my commitment to posting on a regular basis. If I had to critique this challenge, I'd say thus far I've managed to meet the initial requirements and I have posted regular.

The other challenges, in no particular order, include; The Belly Fat Challenge, The Quit Smoking Challenge, and The Find a New Gym Challenge.

The Quit Smoking Challenge:
Although I have actually and successfully managed to quit smoking and have stayed quit now for three weeks, the challenge itself never really ends. Its on-going. I do feel however, that I have accomplished something that for many is very difficult. So I am happy and proud and I am determined to continue my life as an ex-smoker.

The Find a New Gym Challenge:
I promised an update on this one next week, and I will deliver!!

The Belly Fat Challenge:
The latest development in this challenge is that I have signed up for more personal training sessions to assist me with this challenge. Did I cheat by doing this?? I don't think so. As I've stated many times, I'm not a professional fitness expert of any kind at this moment in time. Therefore; the logical thing to do to achieve success in my Belly Fat Challenge, is to seek out the expertise and help from professionals.

My first personal training session was yesterday. I have to say, I was very surprised. As you know, I go to the gym every day for about 40 mins each visit. So I did not expect to have alot of difficulty during the PT session. Well, I was wrong!!! Part way thru by body was screaming at me!!! LOL!! And ALL last night............AND ALL morning long today!!!! So it seems I am NOT in as good a shape as I thought. My trainer said I need to build some muscle. So for 60 minutes, we built muscle.

I will be heading to the gym in an hour or so today. Even though I am having extreme difficulty walking normally!! HA!! I plan on spending some time on the elliptical and then the treadmill. My focus today will be on cardio, so I will be keeping my heart rate in the 140 range.

My next PT session is on Monday. Seems like a long ways away from today. And even though I am in pain, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my PT session. I am definitely looking forward to Monday.

Wishing you all a fantastic holiday weekend!!
Until next time, don't sweat the small stuff


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