Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Todays Workout and Other Musings

Over the holiday weekend I managed to get to the gym everyday except Friday. I had planned to be there Friday, but things didn't pan out exactly as "planned". I was successful however, at avoiding the Easter Bunny and the basket-full of sweets and chocolate. Yes, I like chocolate, not as much as other things, but I do like chocolate.

My recovery from my personal training session on Thursday lasted until Saturday. Yesterday I was back with my trainer. This time I wasn't as sore afterwards and today I did a cardio session on the elliptical and felt fine. I did notice some muscle on my butt and upper legs that I didn't notice before. Its great when you see progress. That's why I wanted to start personal training sessions again, for the extra push and the expertise that a trainer can give to your workout. It is pricey, but its worth the extra $$. Besides, I'm saving $90-120 per month since I quit smoking, so spending a little bit on a personal trainer is a much better way to spend my money and  my time. 

I have to admit though, my timing is not the best. Deciding to burn my belly fat and then two weeks later deciding to quit smoking.........well, they both sort of cancel each other out. What I mean is, its a well known fact that when you quit smoking, your metabolism slows and takes time to recover and re-learn to burn fat and sugar on its own (without the drug assistance of nicotine) So, when I quit smoking, I made my belly fat challenge nearly impossible to achieve in the time-frame I had originally given myself. However, being determined, single-minded and deadly-focused on the goal(s); I am still looking to the goal of losing my belly-fat. It may take me a few weeks longer than originally anticipated, but now with the extra help of a personal trainer, it is once again an achievable goal.

If my BF is reading this, he will likely agree that I tend to take on everything all at once. Its got to be annoying for those who know me. LOL The annoying part comes in when I become overtired and over-stressed and those around me are left to manage the fall-out. I don't know that I can just focus on one thing at a time. Seems a bit dull to me. LOL

Anyway; I committed to achieving the belly fat burn and to quitting smoking; so I'm sticking with both. And thus far, I have not "cheated" in my smoking. I have not used any nicotine products whatsoever for almost 4 weeks now. I still can't believe I did it. I have to say again, it has NOT been easy. I STILL get cravings!! I had a MAJOR craving episode just last week. I think it was precipitated by a stress event. However, I have noticed an improvement in being an ex-smoker. The times when I think about cigarettes and smoking are much less and far between now. I have gone full days without a single thought about smoking. That would be progress!

Thursday this week, I will get my nutrition plan from my gym. What, you say?? I signed on to a gym??? Yes, I did. I cut short my investigations into gyms and I have a new gym. I am NOT going to reveal the gym, just yet. I will blog about my investigations into other gyms first. In the meantime, I will continue to post my workouts, PT session updates and other such goodies in addition to the information I received during my hunt for a new gym.

Until next time; don't sweat the small stuff!!

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