Thursday, March 29, 2012

Quit Smoking Update: Two Weeks!!!

It's been two weeks since I quit smoking. Wow! I honestly did not expect that I could do it. Really, I didn't. I sure surprised myself!!
The last couple days have been pretty normal. My thoughts are not as pre-occupied with cigarettes as they were at first. I rarely find myself thinking about smoking. However, when I do, the craves are still quite strong. Distraction has been key to keeping away from the temptation. And I login to my account at SmokersHelpline and read some posts in the forum. These always help because its good to know other people are going through or have gone through the same feelings and challenges. One theme that is repeated over and over is that smoking is a nicotine addiction; therefore, as an addiction you cannot never never ever ever have a single drag ever because it will start the addiction ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!
And that; is definitely something I do NOT want!!!
An affect of quitting smoking that I was dealing with last week was the fluctuating levels of my blood sugar. I wasn't aware that nicotine was a drug that interacted with my bodys ability to process sugars and fats. I found some fascinating information on this site   Why Quit  which explains why and how nicotine and nicotine withdrawal affects your body's blood sugar.
I was experiencing some very heavy-duty spells during which I was dizzy and disoriented and had trouble focusing. These were due to my blood sugar levels being all over the map!!
Since about early yesterday though, I've noticed that it seems to be leveling off. The mornings are still a bit fuzzy but once I've had something to drink (I've been drinking green tea instead of coffee) I seem to be okay.
I also found out that another affect of nicotine withdrawal is bloating and water retention. Great, just what every woman wants to hear!!! LOL!! I'm hoping this part of the roller coaster ride ends soon too.
All things considered, I honestly wish I had attempted to quit smoking sooner. I did try, half-heartedly. This is the first time I was determined to succeed. It would appear that determination has made all the difference!!

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